Error while validating expected inputs: [Expected input [travelRequestInput] is missing] creating a case in REST API


I've followed the getting started tutorial at and now I'm trying to start a case using the REST API.

After calling loginservice, I'm sending a POST and getting and error 500, with the following message:

{"exception":"class org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.common.exception.api.APIException","message":"Data definition travelRequest doesn\u0027t exists for process 7525863855240002967","api":"bpm","resource":"case"}

The body of my request looks like this:

"userId": 4,
"destination": "LONDON",
"departureDate": "2017-12-09",
"numberOfNights": 8,
"hotelNeeded": true,
"reason": "",
"status": "pending",
"refusalReason": ""

I've also tried with this:

"travelRequestInput" :
"userId": 4,
"destination": "LONDON",
"departureDate": "2017-12-09",
"numberOfNights": 8,
"hotelNeeded": true,
"reason": "",
"status": "pending",
"refusalReason": ""

and this:

"travelRequestInput" :
"userId": 4,
"destination": "LONDON",
"departureDate": "2017-12-09",
"numberOfNights": 8,
"hotelNeeded": true,
"reason": "",
"status": "pending",
"refusalReason": ""

And the exceptions turns into:

{"exception":"class org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.common.exception.api.APIException","message":"Error occured when starting process 7525863855240002967","cause":{"exception":"class org.bonitasoft.engine.bpm.process.ProcessExecutionException","message":"USERNAME=walter.bates | org.bonitasoft.engine.bpm.contract.ContractViolationException: Error while validating expected inputs: [Expected input [travelRequestInput] is missing]"},"api":"bpm","resource":"case"}

I can't figure out if its a problem in the API call or in the process definition.

Thanks in advance

1 answer


I've found the solution in the documentation itself.

To instantiate a process mapping BDM variables the right endpoint to use is:


In my case the URI looks like this:

And the payload is:

"travelRequestInput" :
"userId": 4,
"destination": "LONDON",
"departureDate": "2017-12-09",
"numberOfNights": 8,
"hotelNeeded": true,
"reason": "",
"status": "pending",
"refusalReason": ""

That's all.

Best regards,
