Event Handler startup


Hello, we are trying to configuare and initialize event handlers for our use on the project. We have Bonita 7.14.0 and we are using these documentation steps: https://documentation.bonitasoft.com/bonita/2022.1/integration/event-han..., https://github.com/Bonitasoft-Community/event_handlers_examples, https://community.bonitasoft.com/project/event-handlers-examples.

The handler class has been created, and the deployed jar has been copied to webapps/bonita/WEB-INF/lib/ folder. In my case the xml bean looks like this:




Then using setup pull we are pulling the configuration and there was no bonita-tenant-sp-custom.xml file pulled and I dont see /platform-conf/current/tenants/ folder. In /platform-conf/current/ i have: platform-engine, platform-init-engine, platform-portal, tenant-template-engine, tenant-template-portal, tenant-template-security-scripts.

I pasted my bonita-tenant-sp-custom.xml to tenant-template-engine and also copied the event hanlder bean bonita-tenant-custom.xml file that i found in the folder. Still I have no logs in tomcat of a working event and it should start on process creation?


Can I have a project with bonita-client and bonita-server dependency working together?

1 answer



Event handlers are only available to customers through the Enterprise edition (as stated in the documentation page you mention: https://documentation.bonitasoft.com/bonita/2022.1/integration/event-handlers)

If you are a customer you can still contact the Support for help coming from experts.

Have a nice day,

Captain Bonita
