failed process in the bonitasoft portal


in the bonitastudio the process runs perfectly, it adds to the postgres database without any problem, with a connector that I added to the task, but when I do it. bar and I import it into the portal with the server mounted together with the bdm and the organization is perfect, but at the time of executing the process it says it failed only shows the first view and does not add anything to the database, the server It does not give me any problem, could someone help me?


Submitted by antoine.mottier on Mon, 09/30/2019 - 17:02

Can you share:

  • All the log files of your server
  • The HTTP response payload and status code when you click on the button to submit the process instantiation form (available using your web browser developer tools)
  • Information about your server installation: Bonita version, Tomcat/WildFly, database...7


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