Getting Assigned task information using Bonita's API in java application.


Hello, Which API and method from bonitaSoft I should use to get the assigned task variables information.

Thanks, Sushant.


Submitted by sylvain.jeandroz on Mon, 12/01/2014 - 16:42

Hi all,

I have the same question... It's easy to get the global variables (case variables) using url https://myserver/bonita/API/bpm/caseVariable?p=0&c=10&f=case_id%3d2031

But I would like to get the variables specifics to a particular task. If I use the following URL i can get task informations but not the data (maybe using parameter d=xxx but in the API document, there is not the liste of values we can use with this parametre) https://myserver/bonita/API/bpm/humanTask?p=0&c=10&f=user_id%3d102&d=pro...

Thanks all for your help and sorry for my bad english...

1 answer



with the REST API, you can't get the variables of an activity before the version 6.4.0. This version will released soon.

With the Java API, you need to use the ProcessAPI. Call the searchAssignedAndPendingHumanTasks method to get all assigned & pending human tasks. And with the id of these tasks, call the getActivityDataInstances method to get all variables (no transient) on a specific activity. You can use the getActivityTransientDataInstances method to get all transient variables on a specific activity.

Best regards, Céline


Submitted by sylvain.jeandroz on Tue, 12/02/2014 - 12:14


Thanks for your response, it's clear!

Unfortunatly I can't use Java API, so I will wait for the next release .

Thanks and sorry for my bad english
