how bonita works


hi, i want to know if i want release my portal , how it works now Im testing my process and for each test i click run and can see the page portal , but what about real portal ?


Submitted by yannick.lombardi on Thu, 08/14/2014 - 11:45

Hi, If you want to export your process on a portal that run on a serveur, you need to : - create a .bar file (by clicking on Serveur / Build... en choose your process) - import the bar file on the "real portal" (you need to be administrator and go in the App tab where you can import process)

1 answer


Hello, you will find a documentation that explains everything about platform installation here . The simplest is to take one of the bundles that have Bonita BPM already installed on Tomcat or JBoss, ready for execution. Hope this helps, Haris
