How do i use rest api to retrieve information from a database? I am using Bonita 5.10.2, java 1.7

2 answers


I'll put my answer here:

From what I've researched (google etc.) REST is not "production" for databases at the moment, nor is SOAP. The easiest way is to get any data from a database is via proper and very simple SQL JDBC calls etc.

Why you need to use REST or SOAP may be your design, or a research requirement, but for the moment I think it is outside the remit of Bonita software.

If you can do it from a JAVA program then you will be able to use a script connector, other than that, sorry I can't help.

For what it's worth, and my deepest apologies, but asking for sample code without telling everyone what you have already tried does not help. Have you tried this, have you researched the REST info I have given you, have you tried it?

We're all happy to help those who help themselves by trying, yes I'm also guilty of just asking but I've learnt.

My advice, for the moment stick to what is easy and possible, that is use the SQL calls, and for what it's worth - start considering upgrading from 5.10 to 6.x, the benefits are great.

regards Seán


Submitted by anandages841 on Thu, 04/09/2015 - 20:29

Thanks a lot Sean. Yes it looks like the sql calls should work fine. I just wanted to know whether it was possible with rest or soap api(mostly for design purposes).. And i totally understand what you mean. My bad for not trying. Will do some more research from my side if its possible with soap api. And yes need to upgrade to 6 asap.

Submitted by Sean McP on Thu, 04/09/2015 - 21:42

Thanks for your understanding, and again apologies;

it took me just a short time to see from the posts I gave that integrated database REST and SOAP aren't yet really ready for use and I just wondered how far you got before asking for us to fix code.

MySQL REST will really only be available in 5.7.x which will be released later this year by all accounts...

Good luck with the upgrade... :)


Don't really understand the question.

You want to use REST to retrieve data from a database, that is specific to the database and has nothing to do with BonitaSoft.

see here: Postgres, and Postgres2

see here: MySQL,

also see here

a better phrased question with details about what you want to do would help.

regards Seán


Submitted by anandages841 on Thu, 04/09/2015 - 18:28

Hi Sean,

I have a database and i need to retrieve information from there once it executes a particular task in Bonita. Instead of using an sql call to the database, i want to know how i can use a rest api or soap api ( a sample code may help) to retrieve the information from the database?
