used bonita APi with Java eclipse


I create a process with bonita version 9.
to analyse the execution of this process, i thougth to create Java application in eclipse,
if i must use Bonita APIs, how i can get its (this APIs)? and how I can do it?

1 answer


In order to get information about process execution from an external (from Bonita point of view) application it is mandatory to use API. You can access Bonita Engine APIs using HTTP REST or a Java client library. Both solutions expose pretty much the same set of APIs. If you don't know which option to use to call the APIs, REST is usually the good choice.

If you plan to build a Java application you can use either REST or Java client library. REST would required to build the HTTP request and parse the response whereas Java client provides objects to deal with APIs call answers. So in this situation using the Java client library is probably the best option.

You can get a tutorial about how to build a Java client application from the official documentation.


Submitted by maouachria on Wed, 10/16/2019 - 10:09

ok, thanks Antoine

Submitted by maouachria on Wed, 10/16/2019 - 10:24

Please Antoine; Is there a way to analyze processes in the bonita environment, without creating a separate application?

Submitted by antoine.mottier on Wed, 10/16/2019 - 10:56

I will try to answer on your other question dedicated to this topic:

Submitted by maouachria on Wed, 10/16/2019 - 11:07

ok, i answer you in this topic.
thanks a lot
