J'ai installé la BONITASOFT version 7.10.4 community edition et je n'arrive pas à paramétrer un "start event début message". Dans l'onglet "général", je paramètre bien le type de message, mais je ne peux selectionner le "reception message". le menu déroulant n'est pas accessible. Pourtant, j'ai bien paramétré un "end event envoi message" avec un message vers mon "start event début message".
Merci pour votre aide.
I am able to do it, can you check my image and see if there is something missing?
Remember that you have first to declare the message to send
You are right, it is not displayed in the select list. As workarround you can set the name manually
could you please open an issue in JIRA Community bug tracker like described in our FAQ?
This way, we will try to reproduce the issue and work with R&D team on its resolution if it's a bug.
Thank you
Thank you. The problem is when the end point and the start point are in 2 pools in 2 différents diagrams. If they are in the same diagram, it's ok.
thanks a lot