#api #bonita7 #variables #data #contract #businessObject

Accessing the content of DataTable even when Bonita API is used

Is it possible to access the content of the DataTable when the Bonita API is used? It will be interesting to avoid showing the details of the selected row after moving from one page to another; it is disturbing and not user-friendly. When the details are available, I can check to see if the currently selected row is present in the current list of table rows. The binding is only available when using an object that you have loaded yourself.

Any help or even a custom widget that answers this question?

Form field validation based on unique constraint


I'm working on a simple project in which a specific BDM has a unique constraint on a field, i.e the username. I want to enforce this constraint on the form too, meaning that I would like that a user receives an error message when tries to submit a new BDM instance with an already existing username.

I thought to use the costraint on the process, but it seems that I cannot use the DAO functions to define a contract constraint , but only the input of the contract

Do you have any advice to solve this?

How to add contract input (not complex) to the multiple business object via operations ?

Hello, I have a business obj named "gunluk"(multiple). My contract is "gunlukInput" (no complex). I have a human task that contains a simple form. I am trying to add formInput elements to the business obj(gunluk) via operations (add). But I have an error : Caused by: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: aciklama for class: java.util.HashMap$Node
My Code :
def gunlukList = []
currentGunlukInput ->
def gunlukVar = new com.company.model.Gunluk()
gunlukVar.aciklama = currentGunlukInput.aciklama
