BCD utilitaire de génération du fichier deploy.json


Avez-vous une solution pour générer un fichier deploy.json qui contiendra tout les artefacts d'une livingapp suite à un build ?

Merci d'avance!

Quelles sont les differerences entre les versions BCD 3.4.2 vs BCD 3.5.0 ?


Quelles différences entre la version 3.4.2 et 3.5.0 de BCD?
En effet, le fichier zip de la V3.5.0 ne contient pas les même répertoire (par exemple absence du répertoire ansible/inventory, ansible/include, ansible/vars...)

Je ne trouve pas d'explication de ces differences dans la documentation de la release note: https://documentation.bonitasoft.com/bcd/3.5/release_notes

Merci d'avance!

Can BCD work with a LDAP account instead of user 1000?


We use to use user 1000 with BCD until now.

Now our security team wants to use an LDAP account.

It looks like BCD only works with a Linux local user, but if the user is part of LDAP how can we set that? the UID/GUID is not the same and can't be logged

Is this a scenario that BCD can handle?

Thanks and Regards,

BCD 3.3.0 Jenkins doesn't work with webhook ?


When a webhook from Bitbucket tries to execute a bcd-pipeline, the following error appears:

Jenkins server responds with an "Error 403 No valid crumb was included in the request".

On Jenkins documentation said that it is required an API token, but the Bonitasoft documentation doesn't say anything how to integrated.

Can you explain the step by step to perform the CI? Can you point out the documentation where it is described?

Where BCD Generates artifacts?


I used a BCD to generate all different artifacts.

So, I use this function:
