
BonitaBPM Community 7.5.4 freezes on macOS Sierra 10.12.6 and Java version "1.8.0_152"

I installed BonitaBPM Community 7.5.4 and followed the installation instructions, including editing the /etc/hosts file. I can start the desktop app (Eclipse?), but then it completely freezes with no reaction on UI elements oder menu whatsoever.
Any help very appreciated!

Regards from Vienna

Bonita freeze


I've been using Bonita for a week now, and I've experienced 5 freezes/hang-ups. It happens when I try to move Objects og reshape them. Esecially when trying to reshape the Text annotation object. Very annoying, since I did not save the diagrammes.

I experience this both with 6.4 and 6.4.

What about an auto-save/recovery feature?

Best regards,

Hjard Jensen
