
How to send file input to the BPMN process using <input> tag?

"<"input type="file" id="input" multiple">"

This is my input I need to send the file as a contract for the BPMN to store documents without using the default upload widget given by bonita

Thanks In advance

Bonita Conector using Spring Boot


I'm trying to create a Bonita Conector (using Bonita connector archetype) but I can't use the @Value from Spring Boot (returns null).

The implementation that I'm using is:




private String url;


emmanuel.duchastenier's picture

This is an example of how to embed Bonita Engine (BPM workflow engine) in a Spring Boot application built with Maven.

The proposed use-case is an application based on a process that allows someone to request a loan to their bank. This request will be reviewed, approved or rejected by the bank which will give explanations for this decision.

emmanuel.duchastenier's picture

This application is an example of how to embed Bonita Engine (BPM workflow engine) in a Spring Boot application. The proposed use-case is an application based on a process that allows someone to request a loan to their bank. This request will be reviewed, approved or rejected by the bank which will give explanations for this decision. This example illustrates how to build it with the application using Gradle.
