Bonita 2022.1 is now available for download!!!!

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Bonita 2022.1 is out!

Bonita 2022.1 is out now and available for you to download. We appreciate all your feedback on the beta version - now the official release is ready.

With this new release of Bonita 2022.1, we focus on providing tools to make it easier for YOU! The developers!


  • The Bonita Test toolkit. The Bonita Test Toolkit offers the possibility to write automated integration tests on your processes. Once your tests are written, they can be executed on a target runtime to automatically verify that the process automation project works as expected. Thanks to those tests, you will be able to detect any issues in your project before deploying in a production environment without spending hours testing your project. Your production deployment will be worry-free. (Note: The Bonita Test Toolkit is available to Enterprise users only.)
  • Bonita Docker Image now runs lighter and faster. Now, we use Alpine Linux instead of Ubuntu which is much lighter and allows you to get improved security. The engine’s LDAP synchronizer has also been removed and replaced with a Docker compliant one. The number of dependencies has been limited for both community and subscription editions. What's more, is that the database is not created when running the Docker image!
  • Dynamic permissions now a Bonita Enterprise feature is activated by default! There is no impact on custom code during the update. Bonita respects your hard work!
  • Bonita log levels can now be modified without having to stop the Bonita Runtime. You do not have to stop Runtime and restart Runtime again the modify log levels.
  • If you were looking to migrate your Bonita process applications, the time is now! Bonita Enterprise users get access to the Bonita Update Tool which automates the update of your Bonita platform from a previous minor version to the most recent one.

In addition to these, you will find more improvements - better performance, security improvements, several minor UID quality of life changes and more.

You should try it yourself! Download Bonita 2022.1 now!

If you are looking for more, check out this video from Florent demonstrating the new Bonita Test Toolkit. You can watch it here.

We also have a video on the new Docker Image in French. Check it out here.

And don't forget you can always read our official documentation and the release notes.
