The Power of Advanced BPMN: Learn Key Concepts for Successful Process Automation

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Last Monday, June 20th, we had the honor of hosting a webinar with Thomas Allweyer, the renowned BPMN expert, active Bonita community member (thomas.allweyer), and author of a bestseller introduction to BPMN.

During this webinar, Thomas showed us some examples that applied the following advanced BPMN concepts:

➡️ Subprocesses and Call Activities
➡️ Loops and Multi-Instance Activities
➡️ Message Flow and Process Collaboration

Check out the community projects that he shared with us for the occasion! They are 100% executable on Bonita Community Edition. Don't hesitate to use them as the basis of your own models!

Our international audience asked the following questions:

❓What would you recommend to learn more on BMPN?
❓(Message flow and process collaboration) What happens if the message is not received due to unavailability or network problems?
❓Why use BPMN when the solution can be developed in a programming language? Why and when to use business process? What is the added value?

Additionnal references on this topic:

Did you miss the live session?

Don't worry! » WATCH THE REPLAY!

And here are the presented slides:

See you next time!
