Using APIs and the UI Designer - two very useful features for Sebastian

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Each month we ask a new developer to share their experience with Bonita. This month, let's hear from Sebastien from Trycore!

About me and my experience with Bonita

My name is Sebastian Farias and I am a developer at Trycore, in Colombia. I've worked mostly with banking operations and authentication services based on a SOA architecture. The project I was involved in was to manage acquisition loans for one of the biggest banks in Europe.

My experience so far has been great. I think the way Bonita interacts with pretty much any other service, product, and development tools overall makes it really seamless to get things done quickly.

In terms of front-end first

The UI designer was of great help to create most, if not all, of our front end.

I already had some experience with AngularJS, but the UI designer makes it easier since it already comes with Bootstrap and some other JS libraries that help a lot when you are trying to come up with something for grids and layouts..

And if we talk about back-end...

... I've worked with the API extensions to create middleware and secure transactions which helped a lot in terms of decoupling layers and actually making it integrate with the engine. This was of great help when my client's requirements changed.

I think the largest one I worked with was loan acquisitions since it really had lots of opportunities to push all of the process automation features like connectors, flows, and distributed architecture, among others.

If I had to improve something, it would be the Bonita GIT client

I have to use other clients in parallel in order to work things out so it'd be cool to have one that's a little more stable and robust. I like the overall experience as a developer, and I wouldn't change anything except for that.

And now?

I would like to work in a project implementation connecting Bonita with SAP and Alfresco. I haven't done those yet and it'd be a good chance to see what it can do as far as development ease goes.

For those who are new or starting their training with Bonita, I would strongly suggest to read the documentation and explore the functionalities as much as possible.
