Anonymous user connect to open the form


hi i'm using the bonita community 6.4.2 and i can't make the first form be opened by an anonymous user who can help me ? thanks a lot


Submitted by Sean McP on Thu, 06/04/2015 - 05:54

As far as I'm aware it is not possible to create an "anonymous" form, someone has to sign in to Bonita before a form is shown.

But - What do you mean by first form? First form of a process, first form of the portal?


Submitted by wannes.fedi on Thu, 06/04/2015 - 17:34

the first form of process

Submitted by Sean McP on Fri, 06/05/2015 - 09:21

You have to be logged in to start a process, so by definition it's not possible to do what you are asking.

What is your actual process? A registration process for a blog or something?

For this you should create an external application to Bonita, call Bonita by REST (using jquery or JavaScript for example) using a predefined and limited capability user (all REST must login first) to execute the process you want. The user would be limited to a group, and the process limited to execution by that group.

That should do it.


1 answer


I think you are talking about the autologin function.
You have to create a user in your organization named 'anonymous' for example and configure your process to use this username for autologin (in the 'Configure' button of Bonita Studio).
You can access this process without being logged in by adding some tokens to the url (see for more details).
