bonita 6.4.2

Anonymous user connect to open the form

hi i'm using the bonita community 6.4.2 and i can't make the first form be opened by an anonymous user who can help me ? thanks a lot

how can i access to google calendar connector to view the schedules of an actor

in my process the administrator can view the schedules of each of the officers from a shared calendar can any one help me ??

i have an error when i try to connect to my database

i ve added a new connector "Access 2010 JDBC 4 database query " Driver :" sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" URL:"jdbc:odbc:produits" {produits the name of my database} Username :"root" the query is "SELECT * FROM tech" the resultSet is a Script

changing the logo and appareance of the portal

hi i change in my bonita 6.4.2 the skin.config.less the logo and @mediaaccentcolor to blue ,when i run my process in bonita portal the logo appear only for an instant and it came back to it original appearance please how to solve this? thank you
