Run Procedure or Function in Oracle


Dear Sirs.

Please I need help with the following topic:

How can I run a Procedure or Funtion that is in oracle.

Thank you,


Submitted by ttoine on Tue, 04/08/2014 - 14:10

Hello, your question has not enough details. Could you please tell us the version of Bonita BPM, and what you want to achieve ? (what kind of process, ...)

Submitted by santillanh on Tue, 04/08/2014 - 15:12

Thanks for responding, my version is 6.2.4 bonitasft (64 bits). The client has functions and procedures of performing a process then they should run.

Any idea how to call functions or execute these procedures are in Oracle 11R2.


Submitted by santillanh on Fri, 04/11/2014 - 19:50

Thanks for answering.

Please if you can help me step by step to the implementation, because I can not do it.


Submitted by ttoine on Mon, 04/14/2014 - 11:35

Santillanh, is it ok for you, or could you be interested by some expertise ?

Submitted by santillanh on Mon, 04/21/2014 - 16:51

Sorry Sir. The lines are exposed sql code, and creating a new connector: 1 -. Development. 1.1 connectors 1.1.1 Definition: in category I select oracle, and put no dependence?

I have not done before and connectors is necessary to solve this problem.

Thank you very much before hand.

Thank you,

1 answer



You can create a connector, for instance. I have one like that:

DECLARE teste varchar2(255);
ret := FN_GRMOVEST_NEGATIVO (100,505,0,${movimento},${VALUE},72,${cc},NULL,NULL,9999,2008,'9','${produto}','E',${quantidade},'${oracle_date}','L',1,NULL,NULL,'${validade}','PA',NULL,NULL,0,1,teste,${vl_unit},NULL,NULL);

The thing is, oracle is a b*tch to run procedures and functions straight from plane code, so you need to use that variable sintaxe over there as an exit.

Hope it helps.
