Salesforce Connector Example


I am trying to find some samples of using the Salesforce connector. I am trying to use it and am having trouble doing mapping of results for the SOAP call and cannot seem to get the REST endpoint call to work at all.

I think a sample use of the connector (or a video or text) would get me going.


Submitted by soham.datta on Mon, 03/28/2022 - 12:48

If you are looking to for a REST API tutorial I would invite you to look at our Live Demo replay in Youtube where we connect using the Bonita REST API to sharepoint

Submitted by soham.datta on Mon, 03/28/2022 - 12:56
2 answers


So, there are no examples of using the Salesforce connector? I have read all of the documentation extensively but am not understanding how to map results or get the REST endpoint to work. Neither link provided helps in that.


I have looked at that but the Salesforce connector configuration differs significantly.

I need an example of using the Salesforce SOAP API and mapping the XML result or (preferably) using the REST API and mapping the JSON result. If I include the REST endpoint, the connector tries to use the SOAP API anyway. If I omit the SOAP endpoint and supply only the REST one, the connector complains that the SOAP endpoint is invalid (is missing the version portion of the URL).

I would hope that Bonita has used the Salesforce connector (if only to test it) and can supply an example of using both API endpoints with results mapping?


Submitted by soham.datta on Mon, 03/28/2022 - 14:11

The salesforce connector given itself by Bonita allows you to interact with Saleforce through Bonita in the following methods:

Submitted by soham.datta on Mon, 03/28/2022 - 14:25