Showing a Form on a button click


Hey Community,

I wanna know how to show a form when I click on a button , whether it's a process instantiating Form or a Task form!

I tried to follow the example in the documentation

creating two variables:

processDef : ( ../API/bpm/process?p=0&c=1&f=name=Vacation%20Request%20Pool )

urlToCall: ( ./bonita/portal/resource/process/Vacation%20Request%20Pool/1.0/content/?id={{processDef[0].id }})

Using Action (Start process) because its an instantiation form , and used the f(x) To bind with the variable urlToCall , but nothing seems to be happening ! I got errors :

1 ) ''Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)"
2) Impossible to retrieve the process definition id value from the URL


1 answer



do an F12 on your browser, access the Network part. Click on the button: you have a URL with the error 404.

Could you share this URL, please?

I suspect something is wrong in the URL (no server host for example).

Second, you ask to start a process: is your user has the permission to do that? on the portal, with this user, clicks on the "process" tab: do you see the process here?

