#XARecoveryModule #connection #PostgreSQL

Shutdown Bonita & Postgres every day.

Good Morning.

Every day the connection between BonitaSoft and Postgresql 14 stops working. We have to restart the whole environment to get the connection back.

Esotu using BonitaSoft Community 2021.1 with PostgreSQL 14.4 (Ubuntu 14.4-1.pgdg20.04+1).

I updated the POstgres driver to postgresql-42.4.0.jar

I kept the default settings requested by the documentation regarding max_prepared_transactions and max_connections. I kept both at 200.

My Bonita environment is installed in .zip format and I just uploaded a default organization acme.xml (for testing).

XARecoveryModule: Error during recover (This connection has been closed)

Hey, I'm new to this forum and I hope someone can help me.

The problem is with Bonita 7.10.5 on PostgreSQL 11 (also 12) and it was not present in earlier versions of Bonita. When I restart only the PostgreSQL service without restarting Bonita, the following exception is logged into the Cataline log approximately every 2 minutes:
