How to assign the value in a custom widget?

ng-class="{ 'control-label--required': properties.required }"
class="control-label col-xs-{{ !properties.labelHidden && properties.labelPosition === 'left' ? properties.labelWidth : 12 }}">
{{ properties.label | uiTranslate }}

1 answer

This one is the BEST answer!


Could you give us more information?

Normally, in a custom widget, you would have a input. And using AngularJS, you link this value to a properties

Something like

< input ng-model="properties.myValue" >

Using -{{properties.myValue}} you just DISPLAY the value, user can't change it.

Have a look to the standard widget Input. Type this URL in the browser (replace 52085 by the UI Designer port number if needed), then you access the standard input widget.



Submitted by claudia.avila_1... on Thu, 08/20/2020 - 02:40


I could already solve my problem it was something very simple in the end, I provide more information in the question but I copy and paste mi code and is HTML and JavaScript for that reason nothing is seen and only that part of the code came out.

But thank you very much anyway for taking the time to answer my question!

I created two select widgets, the second select widget show the values based in the option selected in the first select, but when I ran the process the widget value was not saved in my BDM variable but I can solved my problem :D
