Show information that is inside a list that is inside another list in UI Designer


Hello everyone!

I have an "Onboarding" variable that has a list of "vehiculos" that inside has a list of "cuentas". I have a form that correctly persists the information, up to here ok.
The problem is when another task begins, the form does not show the "cuentas" information, it only shows up to "vehiculos".

I share the JSON of the variable that I use to display all the data:

"persistenceId": 180,
"persistenceId_string": "180",
"persistenceVersion": 1,
"asesor": "",
"comercial": "823838233823",
"vehiculos": [
"persistenceId": 181,
"persistenceId_string": "181",
"persistenceVersion": 0,
"persistenceVersion_string": "0",
"nombre": "Vehículo 1",
"tipo": "Partnership",
"cuentas": [
"persistenceId": 182,
"persistenceId_string": "182",
"persistenceVersion": 0,
"persistenceVersion_string": "0",
"banco": "JP Morgan",
"numero": "1234"

"persistenceId": 183,
"persistenceId_string": "183",
"persistenceVersion": 0,
"persistenceVersion_string": "0",
"banco": "JP Morgan",
"numero": "6789"


I tried to add a widget "Container" with the collection "onboarding.vehiculos.cuentas" and then calling the variables {{$ item.numero}} and {{$ item.banco}} but it doesn't work.

I would be very grateful if someone helps me solve this which I suppose should be easy but I am doing something wrong.

1 answer


I already solved this problem, the collection was "$item.cuentas" whatchutalkingabout_smile.png
