
alejandro.rondon_1386485's picture

A custom connector to upload case files in a Google Drive

Errors in the form

On the UI interface they show up quite nicely, with all necessary properties. But when i run in chrome (latest update) the first calendar is cut in half, while the second doesn't show any date at all.

How it is possible to convert à GoogleDocs Connectors 5.7 to 7.X

Hi everyone,

I'm work on a project where i use GoogleDocs , and i want to re-use fonction in GoogleDocs Connectors 5.7 to the 7.X.

Is it possible to do it or to convert this connector ?

link to the connector :

Thanks you.

User authentication using Google

Hello all,

I am trying to authenticate a Bonita user using Google Apps. The process would be like this:
