Release Task

How to verify that the task is released for everyone or if it is assigned to a user only

What happens when the user clicks on releasing the task? I know that by doing this it frees the task so that anyone who is freed to do the same task can view it, but what is the name of the variable that I have access to, ie check if the task is released for all Or to a specific user

Connector ReleaseTask not working. Please help!!

I need to release a task after the user decline for doing in two tasks (Task preview and Task register) what converges into a Service Task with this connector.
The "if" only is a filter who decline one of those tasks
userTaskId and userTaskId is the taskAssigneeId from "ProvidedVariables" each operation each Human task from diagram.

//Connector code
import org.bonitasoft.engine.api.ProcessAPI;

ProcessAPI processApi = apiAccessor.releaseUserTask();
