Running Application

Browser wont open when launching process


I am new using Bonita Studio community. I am having trouble running one process. I am trying to design a simple Diagrams taken from Getting start manual. I setup everything according to manual and mostly everything worked fine. I executed the Diagram whitout until I decided to restart Bonita Studio software. After restarted itt when I click on "Run" 2 dialogues boxes appear (normal ) but the process is not launch in my web browser. No warning or errors shows up.

Hope someone can help.

Thank you


Can't create an application: Error "code": 404 "description": "The server has not found anything matching the request URI"


I am trying to create my own application, following the steps from the getting started tutorial and the procurement request example.

My process is running ok in the portal, but I can´t make it run as an application

When I try to start the process (instantiation form), I get this error:

[Bonita 7.1.4] Process only can run once

I started a simple diagram to learn to register users.

I added an anonymous user to ACME (unregistered.user), published ACME with unregistered.user as default user and configure him as anonymous user on Configure>Authentication.
In the pool, i put "unregistered" as initiator actor, and maped him as "unregistered.user".
The lane only has the start event, a service task to send mail (connector doesn't use variables at the moment, just send mail from A to B. Test works) and the end event.
I created BDM, contracts and form for pool too.

Running Application

I installed Bonita BPM Community 7.2.0 and according to the tutorial documentation built an application successfully (Travel Request example). At the end of the tutorial it is said: "When you click the link, the form for submitting a new travel requests is displayed. Congratulations, you have just created your first Living Application!"
