
test unitaire bs 7.2 community

est-il possible d'effectuer des test de son processus nouvellement.
car cela devient pénible de lancer a chaque fois le portail, de s'authentifier et de dérouler toutes les étapes des process.

merci d'avance

Unit testing for 6.4


I would like to know if Bonita BPM Community 6.4(.0) has any support for unit testing and how I would go about doing them.

Best regards,

Bonita 5.10 Perfomance Testing

Hi All, I am currently working with bonita 5.10

Has anybody done performance testing of bonitasoft or BOS 5.10. What externals tools should i use?

Specifically "performs" in terms of responsiveness, reliability and stability under a high workload

I have searched a lot on the internet but didn't found and answer anywhere.

Thanks in advance.
