
How to shutdown Wildfly application server service gracefully?


Could you explain how to shutdown Wildfly application server service gracefully?

Sometimes wildfly service does not stop correctly when we shut it down with:
Control panel > Management Tool > Services > wildfly >right click and STOP

I use BonitaSubscription-7.9.1-wildfly (wildfly-10.1.0.Final)

Do you have advice and recommendations on how to make sure it always shutdown gracefully?

Thanks and regards

Error 404 after database vendor change.

Hello everyone.

I've just downloaded Bonita BPM Community 7.4.3 to deploy with wildfly-10.1.0. I've followed the instructions to install and run the bundle with the default H2 database, with no problems on Windows server 2008 R2. Then I go to http://localhost:8080/bonita, and it works just fine.
