Bonita BPM Community 7.4.3

How to show user (First Name ,Last Name)and manager in the first form instatiation

hello everybody anyone can help me
I have a question how can I show user and manager in the first form instantiation

type of leave vacation management example

how can we do example official vacation management with type of leave(sick,paye,impaye...,other) , daysavailableInitial associated to type of leave
for example
paye--->daysAvailableInitial =20
impayé-->daysAvailableInitial = 60

daysAvailable in leave request

Hello, I am a beginner Bonita BPM 7, I did a leave request process, I made two model of business data DemandesConges (StartDate, EndDate, dateRetours, NombreJours, TypeConge, balance, MotifConge) and DossierAdministratif (firstName, lastName, Email...), now I want to know how I can calculate balance of leave in such a way that whenever an employee is applying for leave, the balance of leave subtracts the number of days.
I made a script for the variable of pool but plenty of error

leave request bonita BPM 7

Hello, I am a beginner Bonita BPM 7, I did a leave request process, I made two model of business data DemandesConges (StartDate, EndDate, dateRetours, NombreJours, TypeConge, balance, MotifConge) and DossierAdministratif (firstName, lastName, Email...), now I want to know how I can calculate balance of leave in such a way that whenever an employee is applying for leave, the balance of leave subtracts the number of days.
I made a script for the variable of pool but plenty of error

Error 404 after database vendor change.

Hello everyone.

I've just downloaded Bonita BPM Community 7.4.3 to deploy with wildfly-10.1.0. I've followed the instructions to install and run the bundle with the default H2 database, with no problems on Windows server 2008 R2. Then I go to http://localhost:8080/bonita, and it works just fine.
