Behind the scenes

delphine.coille's picture
delphine.coille's picture
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At Bonita, you might hear us talking about "Dave." Who's Dave? Why is everyone talking about Dave?

Here's a Bonitasoft developer insight: Dave is our "back-end developer," a persona created to identify one type of Bonita user.

And Dave is only human, he has his way of coding, his preferred languages and tools.

delphine.coille's picture
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It's time for the 3rd webinar of this series! Let's go into the details of Bonita Studio wink

Now that you know how to launch a project efficiently and how to take advantage of agile iterative development methodology, we will dive into practical details in our next session. You will learn how business collaborators and developers can work together to create processes in Bonita Studio.

delphine.coille's picture
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Snow Camp

Snowcamp 2020 commence aujourd'hui à Grenoble avec de nombreuses conférences passionnantes encore cette année!

Venez nous voir : jouer au babyfoot pour vous détendre, manger des bonbons pour reprendre des forces, et discuter avec notre équipe Adoption autour des différentes technos et de Bonita!

delphine.coille's picture
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[English and Spanish follows]

Si vous aimez l'agilité, vous allez être servis la semaine prochaine avec Agile Grenoble! Des centaines de conférences et ateliers, des sponsors agiles toujours aussi présents.

Agile Grenoble est la conférence française la plus importante sur l’agilité. Au cœur des Alpes, la communauté Agile vient de toute la France chaque année depuis 12 ans pour se retrouver, échanger, apprendre et découvrir des nouveautés.

delphine.coille's picture
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Thanks to Hacktober Fest 2019 and Bonita-Community repository, support Open Source!

hacktober fest

You have 2 weeks left, until the 31st of october, to submit your Pull Requests. You can do it in any GitHub-hosted repositories/projects, so don't be shy, contribute to Bonita-community and help us improve the product.

delphine.coille's picture
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Bonita Live Tour 2019 ends up today with a last session with Old Dominion University.

Here is the “menu” for this last lunch:

  • 11am EDT: Interview of Natalie Metzger & Todd Dergenski from Old Dominion University (Education). Old Dominion has a very large number of students and staff and therefore a large volume of data with a complex matrix organisation.
    Their digital transformation project lead them to full automation of account requests for better service and user experience.

delphine.coille's picture
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Bonita Live Tour continues today with brand new sessions, with 2 news interviews and product overviews.

Here are today's “menus”:

MENU 1 - From 11 am EDT to 12 pm EDT
  • 11am EDT: Interview of Gildas Gnidehou, CISO from McGill University Health Center (Healthcare) - McGill University Health Center has lead an automation project which includes data security, risks and certification management processes.

delphine.coille's picture
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Bonita Live Tour is starting today and will last until thursday 15th.
This 3-day tour of live webinars across North America, 100% online, can be consumed anywhere you want: your office, your couch, during your commute…no crumbs!

Here is today's “menu”:

  • 11am EDT: Interview of Yu-Sun Wang, Solution Architect at a pharmaceutical company - Yu-Sun will explain the company digital transformation of processes in drug discovery that has allowed scientists to focus on science and resulted in time and cost savings.

delphine.coille's picture
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[English Follows]

Bonitasoft a le plaisir d'être sponsor de cette première édition de AlpesCraft, qui a lieu les 13 et 14 juin prochain à la maison Minatech, à Grenoble.


C'est à cette occasion qu'Emmanuel, développeur chez Bonitasoft depuis 8 ans, va présenter comment s'est opérée la refonte du système d'intégration continue dans notre société.
