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soham.datta's picture
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The Bonita platform does not use the Log4J library on runtimes, so it is not exposed to the zero-day flaw recently detected.

soham.datta's picture
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If you’re wondering what a merging inclusive gateway is, how it works, how and when you can use it, then watch this video by Thomas, one of our community members, on the merging inclusive gateway. He walks us through his process of testing how the merging gateway compares tokens to determine which ones can reach the gateway.

delphine.coille's picture
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soham.datta's picture
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Rejoins Delphine, notre évangéliste produit, et Haris, notre directeur Presales, pour cette live démo sur l'intégration de Bonita avec Sharepoint en utilisant le connecteur REST Bonita.

C'est le 2 décembre à 13h30 CET. Inscris-toi dès maintenant!!! smiley

Do you speak English? ¿Hablas español? Don't worry, this webinar is also in English and Spanish!

soham.datta's picture
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Join Delphine, our product evangelist, and Haris, our Presales director, for this demonstration on the integration of Bonita with Sharepoint using Bonita REST Connector.

It is on the 30th of November at 11:30 AM EST. Register right now!!! smiley

Vous parlez français? ¿Hablas español? Don't worry, this webinar is also in French and Spanish

thomas.bouffard's picture
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Have you ever had a question, an issue, a need to know something about Bonita? If yes, you’ve probably visited the friendly Bonita Documentation!

In March 2021, we launched the new Bonita Documentation site, which offers fixes and improvements. If you want more details about the new site content, here’s the site go live announcement.

We want to share with you the story of the Bonita documentation evolution in a series to explain how and why the Bonitasoft team decided to make this latest change.

After a first article about the fascinating history of the Bonita Documentation site 2016 version, part 2 focuses on the need for a new documentation site, issues and solutions.

Enjoy your reading!

delphine.coille's picture
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Here we are again to have a closer look at Bonita 2021.2! In a previous article, we looked at the new Bonita user interfaces. They are linked to a core component of Bonita user interfaces: profiles.

Have you created custom profiles with an earlier version of Bonita, and want to understand how they are converted with Bonita 2021.2? This article is for you.

delphine.coille's picture
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If you are starting with Bonita and still wondering which gateway you should use, watch this video from Thomas, one of our community member, which explains you through 3 variants of a simple process, what are the differences between exclusive, parallel and inclusive gateways.

thomas.bouffard's picture
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Have you ever had a question, an issue, a need to know something about Bonita? If yes, you’ve probably visited the friendly Bonita Documentation, launched last March 2021.

We want to share with you the story of the Bonita documentation evolution.

This article, first in a series to explain how and why the Bonitasoft team decided to make this latest change, tells the fascinating history of our documentation and some of the issues we faced over the time.

Enjoy your reading!

delphine.coille's picture
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Since business continually evolves, you may need to make some changes to a Business Data Model (BDM) already in production.

Bonita uses Hibernate for data persistence, therefore some changes are handled automatically, but some others, like changing the type of an attribute or defining a unique constraint, may need to updated manually after the backup of your database and then carefully in a staging environment.

Follow this tutorial to understand better how to do this.

delphine.coille's picture
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Here at Bonitasoft we call it "Drink our own Champagne". The Customer Service Center project is a great example of this internal spirit, as it has been developed with Bonita 2021.1 and is now hosted on Bonita Cloud.

Christophe, one or our Professional Services consultant, was responsible for the technical side of this project: sizing, designing project architecture, implementing some of the features, and more.

Now that the CSC is up and running, he is sharing is experience developing the project from scratch on the Bonita Cloud based digital process automation platform.

delphine.coille's picture
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Nuestra sesión gratuita de introducción al BPM y a la plataforma Bonita empieza el proximo martes.

¡Apúntate y acompáñame en el aprendizaje práctico con Bonita 2021.2!

delphine.coille's picture
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Bonita Camps are back, with a new formula: 2 days for 2 team profiles

Whatever your technical level, this Bonita Camp will offer a useful overview of the Bonita platform, with tips and expert advice, and practical, hands-on exercises.

This week is for Bonita Camp online in English:

  • Today and tomorrow at 11.30pm EDT or 8.30am PDT for North America
  • October 14 and 15 at 09am CEST (Paris) for EMEA

delphine.coille's picture
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Here we are again, and Bonita 2021.2 is now available! Every week I tell you about a new Bonita 2021.2 feature, so let’s go on with a new topic: BDM deployment improvements.

You are managing BDM deployment and updates? This article is for you.

delphine.coille's picture
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Bonita Camps are back, with a new formula: 2 days for 2 team profiles

Whatever your technical level, this Bonita Camp will offer a useful overview of the Bonita platform, with tips and expert advice, and practical, hands-on exercises.

Et on commence avec les sessions en français les 7 et 8 octobre prochains !

delphine.coille's picture
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Bonita is out

You were looking for it?

Bonita 2021.2 is out and available for your download, so don't wait and use it!

delphine.coille's picture
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Here we are again, and ever closer to the release of Bonita 2021.2! Every week I tell you about a new Bonita 2021.2 feature, so let’s go on with a new topic: the new Bonita user applications.

We definitively say goodbye to Bonita Portal, and welcome the new flexible, customizable Bonita user applications.

delphine.coille's picture
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Tu as manqué la Live Demo présentant l'intégration de Bonita avec un parapheur pour la signature électronique ?
Ne t'en fais pas, il y a toujours la video de replay.

delphine.coille's picture
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Are you ready for it?

If you've already tested Bonita 2021.2 Beta, we appreciate your valuable feedback. Open this post and take the survey!

delphine.coille's picture
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Rejoignez-moi ainsi que Rivo Rakatomalala de l'Université Paris Dauphine pour une démonstration sur l'intégration entre BPM, GED et signature électronique.

C'est demain Jeudi 16 septembre à 11h30 smiley
