
Missing dependency error in running wildfly platform.

I installed BONITA BPM Platform 7.7.0.
The server worked well before, however, when I run the process, I got the error as following.
All configuration is the same as is.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

No more service.bat ! How install bonita server as an windows service ?


In precedent version of bonita server, there was a service.bat in bin directory which was to install and then manage the start and stop for bonita server.

So how can we acheve this since there is no more the service.bat and jbosssvc.exe in bin directory...

Thanks for response.

Linking a database query to a service task "breaks" the next step


have a very simple lane with "initialization form"-"service task"- "human task" .


What I would like to do is to initialize in the service task one variable with a value retrieved from the database.

The issue is that as I create the connector (no difference if its in or out) in the service task, the human task doesn't get created.


SOA-based application

Hello everybody I'm Ami

I want to assess the quality of SOA-based application. And as far as I know, Bonita produce SOA application. So, I want to ask : 1. Is Bonita portal an SOA-based application? (just the portal and all the apps in it. studio is not included) 2. which source code is for the Bonita portal? (I need to assess quality from the source code, too) 3. Can I export the app an it's source code from the bonita studio, so it can starts indepently?

Thank you before :)
