SMTP connector not working


I've using an SMTP connector in my process where I provide a username and password. SSL is disabled. In my process, a form is submitted and an email is supposed to be sent. However, it's not working. Without the authentication, email works. Currently, my SMTP server accepts open relay. However, this is changing soon so I need to provide authentication in the Bonitasoft software.

In the logs this is what I see:

AuthenticationFailedException error.

Development -> Connectors -> Test connector not available in Community Edition

I'm doing the exercises in the Bonita exercise tutorial when i stopped at the email setup and configuration. I already download the fakesmtp and run it, but i can't proceed on the next step where the above-mentioned subject is not available in the community edition. How can i do this?

How can we send mail in Oauthentication 2.0?

We are Bonita users.
Our company uses office 365 (AzureAd ) as mail sending server. Office 365(AzureAd ) system has now disabled using basic authentication. We have created an application to send mail from AzureAd portal. We need to send e-mails using the information of these applications.
We were actively sending mail using the smtp protocol as follows.
Picture1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QychnuwQh6BgDmQfBqvh5sP9UMKa1yuI/view?u...
