
Map Rest Connector Object Response into a Process Variable (complex Business Object with MULTIPLE Business OBject, including LISTs)

I am calling this service I've found in other examples https://www.metaweather.com/api/location/44418/, from a REST Connector out and it returns a complex structure.

All the examples I've found extract a single STRING from the complex structure (from bodyAsObject) without issues. I could do so also without any problem.

How to get the process form URL by Engine API

Hi everyone

I have a sample process which has a instantiation form with an external URL, so I want to retrieve this URL from Engine API but I couldn't find any solution to retrieve the URL, but I have know that in Rest API with can gain the URL by "/bonita/API/form/mapping" and passing the processDefinitionId and type but I need a way for Engine API.

Thanks for your replies.
