user list

How to set actor filter with group name and role name ?

I would like to get a user list with specific membership.
I created department bdm and stored department name.

I would like to set Actors with specific group users with a specific role.
variable stored selected groups by a user.

Actor filter has a script as follows :
In this code is username.
However, I would like to send group names in variable.

how can i get process initiator's city at start point

hello ,

have have one query .

in my process there is 2 task

task1 : service task rask2 : human task

when user click on start process task 1 will be executed and then task 2 will assign that user . i want to know how to get user's city at human task using this code :

how can i get the full user list of an actor in groovy script ?

I want to send email to a group users which all defined in an actor, how can i get the full user list of an actor in groovy script?

so that get the email address of all the users.
