#api #bonita7 #restapi

Using Custom REST API inside UI designer

So now i have been able to get the API running 100% working fine and i want to use the API inside the UI designer

API looks like this http://localhost:8080/bonita/API/extension/sqlExample?queryId=getPersona... it shows the complete REST API info like this


and i want to use inside UI Designer , so i added a new variable and i used the API like this

Rest API wont display information from PostgreSQL

I followed the steps on here https://github.com/Bonitasoft-Community/rest-api-sql-data-source and somehow i was able to compile the maven from command line and have the zip created , however i noticed some few changes (Judging by what i have and what is on here hence i decided to talk about it here )

Now I run the maven command (After i have edited the several files which look like this ) this happens to be the configuration where i would run the Sql queries from (datasource.properties)

create REST API in java and use in Bonita

Ok Good evening ,

I followed this tutorial today https://documentation.bonitasoft.com/bonita/7.5/rest-api-extensions
and i must say i enjoyed every bit of it, shows I can create my own REST api and use in bonita. Now there is something i want to be sure of, can i code the REST API in java as well and ask it to show its result in json? then register in bonita? i just need to be clear of certain things thats all.

Get information from REST API and use in UI designer form

How do you use a REST API to programmatically populate forms on UI designer? I have some information on my active directory and i want to use the data in my UI form and save to the database later on, how do i go about something like this

how to use REST Api in UI designer to automatically populate form and save to DB

How can i use a REST API on the UI designer form? I have written a REST service and i want to use the data on the REST service in my UI designer form to automatically populate information in the input widget and send to the Database.

How can this be done?

how to get list of user in group in ui designer bonita 7.8.0?

i wont to get list of users in specific group and display in a select Widget in ui designer.
What type of API I want to use it?

How to pass multi attribute values from one form to another

Hi there,

Currently I can pass single attribute information inputted in one form to another but I'm cannot seem to be able to figure out how to pass a multi-valued attribute from one form to another. I tried this for example, poolvariable.mutlivaluedattributename.attributename in the value areas on the UI designer. I also have the api variable created too.


Edit: Sorry about the double post.

Is there a way to run a task(call external api) when a certain task gets overdue

In my case i want to call an external api when a certain task is overdue. This is basically to send an email to the user saying that he need to attend that particular task. how can this be done?

Parameters of BusinessDataQuery

[REST API] How to get task by assigned_id


I'm trying to get all tasks that are assigned to a specific user, i have try with this uri:
But this query don't use assigned_id filter...

I'm using Bonita Community Edition 7.6

Some can help me to do that things ?
