start process

Start a new process from a specific step

Hello Bonita users !

I use Bonita to implement a business process but I'm facing an issue : some processes can terminate quickly but users want to be able to start them again at the last step. There can be a couple of months between a first process termination and a new process start.

So is there a way to start a new process from a specific step rather than starting from the beginning of the process ?


Portal unable to start a process depending on OS and/or Browser version


I use Community Edition 7.5.0 with Chrome (64 bits) Version 61.0.3163.100 (Official Build) tested on Apple OSX Sierra 10.12.6

In portal when trying to start a process, nothing happens. The process is not stared

However, if starting the process from Firefox or Safari, on same Apple OSX Sierra 10.12.6, starting the same process works and once the process started, if we come back to Chrome, I can use the process and proceed normally with tasks.

Problem starting a process forom a UI-designer button

I build a page with the UI-designer and I'm trying to set up a button to allow the user start a process from that page.
I got the process definition using the REST api: ../API/bpm/process?p=0&c=1&f=name=MiPrueba (process name MiPrueba), this is the result:

Get process variable data from the Start process form (instantiation form)


I have a process variable which has a list; the list is created by a "connector in".

I need to retrieve the list in a Select widget, but it seems that I can NOT get the process variable data from the first form (instantiation form)...

It does work with other activities. I can get to show the list in the Select widget in other activities, but it does not work with the instantiation form.

Do you know how to handle this?

Thanks a lot.

How to initiate case

I'm trying to start a case with the following contract (JSON):

BONITA 7: Start a process instance from script

Hello, In Bonita 7 I'm trying to create a new instance of a process from a script but I can not. My process (process1) has a service task in which I add a script to launch a new process called "process2" version "1.0". Examples of Bonita's documentation not have all the code and sometimes lack me how to get the current session, other times to get the current users ... please does anyone have a complete example or can help me?

Thank you. Regards,


There seems to be a big issue with the startProcess function in the ProcessAPI. I am using Coldfusion to call the Engine API. Everything is syntactically correct, however I am not able to start a process. I deployed and enabled a workflow process I created in the Bonita BPM Studio by clicking on the Install button in the Portal. However, when I try to start an instance of the process using the API, I get the following error message:

Start a process - taking a long time - need details.

Hi there,

I have an issue when starting a process and clicking "Do It".

It takes too long, I need to investigate this so - what procedure/java code does the "Do It" button fire? I think I know why it is slow but I want to see if I can fix it in code. I have the source already but can't find where to start.

Thanks in advance, regards Seán

searchProcessInstances STARTED_BY_SUBSTITUTE using REST API

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to obtain the list of cases supervised by a user but i can't find any call who return this data via REST API. In the JAVA API the method who return this data is this one (I guess): searchProcessInstances Setting STARTED_BY_SUBSTITUTE in the ProcessInstanceSearchDescriptor But i cant find the equivalent one in REST API.

I start the cases with this POST call: http://localhost:8081/bonita/API/bpm/case/

How do i add a form to a start event?

Dear BonitaSoft Comminuty,

I want to create a process that starts with a user who inserts information into a form. I have seen an example business process where the start event contains a form. When the process is started at the start event, the form shows up in Bonita Portal and the user can insert data. My questions is: How do i create a form for the start event? I only know how to create a form for a user task. Can anybody please help me?

My Bonita BPM Community version is 6.3.7.

Kind regards, Pascal Petruch
