Bonita BPM 6.2.X

Multi-instantiated asynchronous execution of human tasks

Hi, I am designing the process of survey. It has several multi-instantiated sequentially arranged human tasks, which assigning to lists of users. Lists are forming dynamically. I want users from the lists will be able to perform tasks independently. In my case the user can not proceed to the next task until it will be executed by all users assigned to this task. Is there any possible ways to solve my problem?

I am using Bonita BPM Studio Community 6.2.6, Java 7u55, Windows 7 x64

Regards, Igor

onchange event on select widget (Bonita Community 6.2.3)


Using Bonita BPM Community 6.2.3.

I'm trying to use onchange HTML event on a select widget. In the HTML attributes' widget section I write: onchange="window.alert('hello world')". But in the portal, when I run the process, the onchange attribute is gone. Strangely, if I replace onchange with onclick I get the correct HTML code in the portal (including onclick attribute).

Is this the "normal" behavior or is something wrong with my code?

Thanks, pet

Modifying the Portal functionality.

Hello, I need to extend the functionality of Bonita BPM Portal and to translate it. My task is to add an extra menu to the Organization menu at administrator homepage.
