
Error overview default view all document loaded


I'm trying bonita Bonita Community Edition
Version : 2021.2.beta
Version id : 01
Build id : 7.13.0.beta-01 version

When I upload multiple files example 14 files, on the view Overview I can't see view all document loaded.

Is it a platform error or does it have a limit of the documents it can show?

I tried to attach images but it was not possible



BPMN inclusive gateway - one path always fires, other conditional. How to model?

Hi all,

I am using an inclusive gateway with two exit sequences. One sequence should always be executed, the other sequence only when an expression is true. It looks like this:


[Résolu] Organisation par défaut (active)


J'utilise la version 6.3 de Bonita Community. Je cherche désespérement comment mettre ma propre organisation par défaut. Je n'arrive pas à changer ACME (active). J'ai cherché sur le forum et la doc en anglais, sans réponses.

Quelqu'un a une idée ?

