
Is there a way to make a multiple attribute mandatory in the BDM?

I need to make an multiple attribute in the BDM mandatory, for example, let's say I have a BusinessObject Invoice, an invoice contains multiple InvoceLine, and an invoice should not exist without at least one InvocieLine, how can I achieve this with the BDM?

Error : can't leave Input file empty

Hello everyone,

I would like to set up a 'file upload' where you can upload a file, and keep it in a 'formOutput.fileStudentPlanContract' (with fileStudentPlanContract being a contract of a file type).

I can later retrieve it with no problem, however I can't seem to leave the field empty, (as if it was mandatory) as this debug msg is displayed :

Debug message
Error while validating expected inputs

[Résolu] Violation de contrat Date Null


J'utilise un formulaire me permettant de récupérer plusieurs données dont une date d'échéance que l'utilisateur doit indiquer.

Cette date d'échéance n'est pas obligatoire, elle n'est à entrer seulement si un bouton radio est coché, le datepicker est donc parfois non affiché.

Le problème maintenant est que afin que le widget DatePicker démarre par défaut sur la date du jour, la variable "echeance" est instanciée par défaut à null. Maintenant, si aucune date n'est indiquée par l'utilisateur, un message d'erreur apparait :

A FILE object defined in the contract is always madatory? Bonita 7.0.2

I am testing this process to upload and download files. I have set the mandatory property of upload widget to false.
When I throw the process, if I do not select a file in "Step Upload" and click "submit" the process does not continue to the next task and this message catalina log:
