
option "Use a java method" does not appear in select operator


I downloaded Bonita Studio version 2021.1 and download "procurement example" : https://community.bonitasoft.com/project/procurement-example1

I tested this example and it's OK.

But suddenly all operation in "complete quotation" show error message.

For example these errore appeare for setStatus:

The operator "setStatus" is not compatible with the "quotation" left operand.

Service task failed after giving value to object list (nullPointerException) what can cause this error? (log in desc)

I have a problem with my process, to be honest it worked fine for months... So i think there is something else causing the the task to fail.

I have an object list business data, in the operation i set "takes value of", and create a list of these objects, at the end of the groovy script before i return the list, i write the size of the list in the log, and it is fine, other logings are done as well, it looks like everything is good. However after the size in the log this happens and my task fails:

Cant update business data modells attribute in the process variables

Lets say i have a business data modell that has person and also puppy. Each object can exist independent from each other, however person have a puppy object, that can be null, it is not mandatory.

I have a process, and a business variable, the type is person. I give the person some data, and an existing puppy object. That means i will have a new line in the person table, and one existing line from the puppy object will be referenced to this line by persistenceId (if i understand this correctly).

Call querry in operation

Documents, upload - How to tell if it's a new Document?

Hi there,

I have a situation where in Service Step 1 I retrieve 2 documents from a DMS and load them to Documents, in Human Task 1 I see the documents, download ONE of them, edit it and upload the document using the same file widget. I downloaded from. The name of the file has not changed.

How do I tell if I've uploaded the document, rather than, as with the other file, just left it alone?

The documentID is not a good contender for this as it changes step to step. Is there some other way to tell if a document has been uploaded or not?

Unable to get ldap attribute

Hi everyone, !

I'm currently trying to store in a Hashmap object the value and key of the ldapAttributeList returned by my ldap connector using the the output operation window. Here is a piece of code doing this thing :
