
Using DB connector

Hi everyone!

I would like to know if someone can help me how to use the DB Connector for SQL Server.

I have already created the Connector to an automatic task, configure the sql query and use the graphical mode (N to N in this case) to assign the resultset to a variable type java.util.List

Is it okay to use a java.util.List variable to load the tableResult?

Tengo un error que se muestra en el log y no me permite ejecutar una query desde Groovy Script: sql.executeQuery():GRAVE: Message: Operation not allowed after ResultSet closed

Buenas tardes a todos.
Soy Nuevo en Bonita 7.2, estoy atascado en intentar mostrar los valores en una tabla personalizada desde una base de datos Mysql
Estoy ejecutando un Script groovy desde Bonita 7.2 y obtengo el siguiente error: GRAVE: Message: Operation not allowed after ResultSet closed . Y no entiendo por qué me da este error si no he cerrado el resultSet.

Este es mi GroovyScript:

How to read data using db connector into business variable?

I would like to read data from an external MS SQL database using a connector and map the result into a business variable.

I have created a new Business Object called 'MyObject' with attributes 'ID' (integer) and 'Status' (String).
Then I created a Pool Business variable called 'loadedMyObjects' of type 'MyObject' and I set the flag 'IsMultiple' as true so it should be a collection of 'MyObject' instances.

My workflow diagram consists of a Start event connected to a Service Task and finally an End event.

JDBC MS Sql connector resultset "SQLServerResultSet cannot be cast to"

Hi All

Hoping you can help me on this?

I have a MS SQL 2012 connector with a basic TSQL query

SELECT iSiteID, cSiteName
FROM SiteCustomers

It work fine as an out of "array" i get the results in a list.list but when I want to change the array variable to a resultset variable i get an error

org.bonitasoft.engine.exception.BonitaRuntimeException: USERNAME=install | java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to

DataBase Connectors result assignment (Oracle)

I try to assign the output of an Oracle Database Connector to a process variable (typed : java.sql.ResultSet), but I have the following error :

java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException org.bonitasoft.engine.exception.BonitaRuntimeException: USERNAME=install | java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.jdbc.driver.ScrollableResultSet cannot be cast to

If i remove the output assignment (script option), the connector work.

I don't understand why it doesn't work, any idea ?

Fill Table widget with values from DB

Hi all

I am a newbie at Bonita, struggling with displaying values, retrieved from an MS SQL DB, in a table. I am using Bonita BPM Community v6.2.0 with MS SQL 2012, on Windows 8, with JRE 6. I am running the JBOSS bundle. I am retrieving the data using a datasource connector, so the pretty new connector interface where I can choose the output type (nRows by nColumns) is not available.
