Bonita BPM Portal

No puedo eliminar nada en Bonita BPM Portal


Instalé Bonita BPM en un servidor de pruebas con la siguiente configuración:

  • Bonita BPM Engine / Portal 6.3.3 (Separados, no instalé ningún paquete "Bundle")
  • Glassfish 4.0
  • Oracle Linux 6.5
  • JDK 8 (1.8.0_25)

Tengo un proceso que desplegué en ese ambiente junto con la configuración de la organización (usuarios, grupos, perfiles). Si bien corre sin problemas, cuando intento redesplegar el flujo eliminándolo obtengo el siguiente error:

Cannot delete User Groups or Process in Bonita BPM Portal 6.3.7


I've installed Bonita BPM Portal and engine in a Linux Server (Oracle Linux 6.5), running in Glassfish 4 (Not a Bundle, single installation). I'm using BPM Studio 6.3.3 and BPM Portal 6.3.3. I'm able to deploy anything (Process, Organization), but, when i try to delete any of these items i'm getting this message:


And i don't see anything in the log (no stacktrace describing the error).

This is my configuration:

How to change look and feel of bonita portal in community 6.3

hello i m using bonita community 6.3 can anyone pl specify where are the files to change bonita protal look and feels .

thanks kandarp

Can i make some button not workable or hide from Bonita portal

Hello , i m using Bonita community 6.3 my question is simple : on Bonita BPM portal oon middle : there are tab "TAKE" "RELEASE" "HIDE" i want to remove that hide button . so any one can't be hide any task .

how can i ? can i achieve ? pl need help it is very needful

thanks kandarp

how to define and execute in portal different actor to different lanes


I am trying to assign different actors to different lanes and when executing in portal, I am getting message Access denied: you do not have the rights to view this page.

Following is what I am trying.

What are the ways to customize/revamp Bonita User Portal ?

Hi all,

We want to customize the default Bonita User Portal

To give a better idea of what we mean by "Customization", these can be considered as requirements 1. Remove the Tasklist Panel at the left - Replace with custom options 2. Remove the "'Tasks','Cases','Apps'" panel In short, entire Portal should accomodate the UI(forms) and other custom controls and menu options.

To achieve this,the ways explored by us were

How to give user to jump into dashboard

I want to add one button in form , when user click on it , it will jump to its portal, how to archive it .

Problem to access Bonita BPM Portal by URL

Hi, I created a process in BPM Studio 6.2.6 "MyProcess" version 1.0. I exported the process in .bar file. By means a Java Program, I deploy and enable the process on Tomcat.

In BonitaBPMCommunity-6.2.6-Tomcat-6.0.37\bonita\server\tenants\1\work\processes there is a folder 4670567739103740067

Modifying the Portal functionality.

Hello, I need to extend the functionality of Bonita BPM Portal and to translate it. My task is to add an extra menu to the Organization menu at administrator homepage.
