
Character limit doesn't change on BDM update


I am using postgresql with bonita. There's a business object that has a string attribute with 255 character limit. I tried changing it (to several different values on different occasions like 1000 or 3000) both through studio or directly from bom.xml but changes don't apply to database. It is still 255 on database, but I can see it in xml file and Business Data Model section (on local) that it has the value I gave. If I change it on database directly, then I cannot update BDM, it gives an error and doesn't update the previous BDM with the zip I have.

Changes to the XML(spring bean) configuration file are not reflected in the bonita

I am setting LDAP LogIn of bonita community 7.5.2, refering below URL

I modified spring bean xml file, but the change to the xml file are not reflected in the bonita.


Change password BonitaSoft 7.4.1


I try to create an application to change user password using the javascript expression XMLHttpRequest

This method works in version 7.3.1, but does not work in version 7.4.1 and also in version 7.5.1

return function()
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

if($data.newPasswordDetails.newPassword == $data.newPasswordDetails.confirmPassword)

How to get the output of a process flow in a XML format?

Can I get the output of the process flow in XML format?

If yes, please tell me the procedure.

Error al iniciar una tarea con dato tipo XML en Deploy Bonita 6.3.2

Saludos ,

Estoy haciendo el deploy de procesos en un servidor debian de 64 bit con postgreSQL y la version 6.3.2 de Bonita Community. El proceso funciona correctamente desde el BonitaStudio 6.3.2 ,pero cuando hago la instalacion en el servidor e inicio la actividad , me indca que no hay tareas y en el log me refleja estos datos::

bpmn file


Is there any way to create dinamically the bpmn file instead of getting it from the studio (Export as ... BPMN 2.0)? Can I use the api to obtain it?


BPMN Data in files, especially Priority data in xml

Hello everybody.

I am heavily using the bonita export to bpmn files in xml format, and i am missing some parts of the modelled process in this xml.

1. In Bonita Community I am able to set the actor of an activity as "use actor from lane". I cannot the the link between the lanes actor and the activity within the exported bpmn file. Is this not part of the standard?

2. When I set any priority to an activity this will also not be in the exported xml file. Is this not part of the standard either ?
