
Replacing Select by Autocomplete on a form


I have a list of about 100 items to select and I wanted to replace the Select widget with the Autocomplete. The atutocomplete works great to filter a list of items when adding a new entry but is blank when displaying value that is already set.

Is there a way to use the Autocomplete to display a value?

Auto run next task for same actor

Hi All,

We're starting out with Bonita and have followed the getting started and example projects.

However, we have a scenario where based on form data entered, we may need to have the user answer more questions.

These currently look like this:

- "Review case details" -> "Is Client [x]" -> "If Yes: Capture extra data".

We find it more efficient to capture the information while the process is beng run. How would you guys recommend this is approached?

Many thanks.


dysfonctionnement du widget d'autocompletition lors du deploiement

J'ai construis un processus de demande d'achat avec BonitaStudioCommunity-7.6.3. J'utilise dans mon premier formulaires un widget autocomplete remplie par des données provenant d'une base de donnée sql server. En environnement de développement tout marche correctement.
Mon problème est que lorsque je déploie mon processus, seul les utilisateurs ayant un profil administrateur peuvent avoir la fonctionnalité d'autocompletition dans le formulaire.

Why does this custom field have this bug?

I downloaded an autocomplete custom field to fill my need to get the contents of what was written in the field.
I got the custom field here :

But whenever I select something in this autocomplete field my page ends up creating a blank space on the right side with absolutely nothing, if you have a hint of what it could be I thank you.

Get the contents of an autocomplete field

How can I access certain data from an autocomplete field, is this possible? I ask this because I have an automcomplete field that is filled with the content of a request in one of my BDM's but I can not access the content that I select from that field, for example when I do the same with a Dropdown I can perfectly access the given separate company code , Is it possible to do in the autocomplete field?

How to use Autocomplete Widget?

Hello I'm trying to implement the autocomplete widget but I can't find any real simple example.

I basically have a field "User Email" that I would like to be autocompleted with the email of the users in the organization. Then I have another field "User Name" which I would like to populate with the full name (first name + last name) of the autocompleted email.


Need To implement some security Measures in BonitaSoft Portal and subsequent Apps


I need to implement some Security Features in my Portal . below are the list of issues that were identified .
Please point me to the correct documentation or Steps that I need in order to implement the security measures.

1) I observed that AutoComplete was enabled in potentially sensitive form fields. - Disable AutoComplete .

Angular.JS in Community Edition possible?


i want to use the Angular.JS Features with my Bonitasoft Community Edition. (without the customPage Section :-[ )

I develop with the Studio and BonitaSoft 6.4.1 Community.

I've tried to test with the following simple example:

my example.js
