
Detect click

Hello everyone,

Is it possible to detect a click outside my custome widget element?

and if it is possible, how can I do it?

my version is 2021.1 enterprise


Select Widget - How to pass two values ?

Hey guys,
In a select widget you can set the displayed key (in my case: E-Book), returned key (in my case: 490$) and the value (in my case $item.price).

My problem is, that I need to fill two variable, because on the next page I want to see what the customer choosed and what the price is. For now, I only see the price.
How can I set the name of the product (->E-Book) and the price (->50$), by selecting "E-Book"?

Can't get document by url or id

Hey guys,
I read this: https://documentation.bonitasoft.com/6.x-7.2/documents-0 and tried to implement this but faild.
I tried two ways, that I will show you and maybe some of you can help me and say what the next steps could be.

First try:
I got the url of my pdf, its: documentDownload?fileName=BookOne.pdf&contentStorageId=1643

SELECT widget selected value

Hi All,

I have a SELECT widget that works perfectly, except for the fact that it doesn't display the current default value. It always defaults to the placeholder value.

This SELECT has the following parameters:

Placeholder: "Select an option..."

Available values: type_list, an external API variable that returns this JSON structure

Change the tabs in Bonita (e.g. Tasks, Cases and Processes)

Hi Guys,

I would like to ask how to change the tab name and content per tab in bonita. I already change the color and other layout but cannot change the name and design of per module in bonita. I like to change the name of tasks, cases and processes and also the content per module. Do you guys have any idea how to do this?

Thanks in advance guys.

Seach Data with API REST
